Doktor juga manusia

Entri kali ni hanyalah sebagai tambahan / patch terhadap suatu entri aku yang lalu.. Kebetulan aku jumpa di laman sosial facebook, maka saja-saja aku parkir dalam blog pula.. ^-^

--------<copy paste dari laman facebook (random) Jon Astrologio bertarikh 27 September 2013>-------
Dear Patient,
I am sorry if I wasn’t able to answer your question immediately. I was just too tired, too hungry, and pre-occupied by a lot of things. But that question is too memorable for it has been asked by a lot of people, even by myself. So to answer your question:
Yes, I get tired -for I am also human.
Yes, I get hungry -for I am not exempted from the basic physiology of the gastrointestinal system.
Yes, I stink –for I am already 30+ hours post duty, but I still have to review your chart, make notes, and update my seniors / residents.
Yes, my handwriting sucks–for I have copied lecture notes from conferences, made tons of prescriptions and laboratory requests, written history, physical examination findings, and incoming / outgoing notes –all within a day’s work.
Yes, I may have to answer the call by my parents while pushing your wheelchair to the radiology department –for I have not seen them for months now.
Yes, I maybe jolly at times and quiet most of the time –for I just had 3 hours of sleep last night to study your case for today’s pre-operative conference.
Yes, I am saddened every time you tell me that you have no money for your medical procedure –for I will again be forced to spend part of my allowance / income just to have your laboratories done.
Yes, you may have seen me with tears as I walked out of our conference room –for I have just been reprimanded by my seniors for not looking for a journal that supports my decision in a dilemma I have encountered in preparing your treatment plan.
I know that you are going through a lot of things during your hospital stay. But may you never forget that we, your doctors, also go out of our comfort zones and give all that we can to provide you the best care possible.
And you know what’s the best thing about us, your doctors? It’s the fact that if ever we get burned out today, tomorrow is another day –another day for us to wake up in the wee hours of the morning, brew our coffee, hit our books, rush to the hospital, present you in conferences, and finally see you during our rounds.
All of these simply for the joy of seeing you get better.
People often say that doctors play god. But in all honesty, we do not play god; rather, we allow ourselves to be used by God.
All that we ask from you is that you pray for us, your doctors, that we will never get tired of maintaining that sacred connection between God, ourselves, and you –for He was, is, and will always be the True Healer, and because He is the only nourishment that can sustain us in our quest towards making you as healthy as possible.
Thank you.
Your Doctors
-------------------------teringat sejenak situasti yang pernah berlaku pada diri sendiri-----------------------

Teringat aku akan satu adegan yang berlaku baru ni. Kelihatan seorang ahli keluarga pesakit datang melawat bapanya di wad tengah-tengah *malam (nota - sebab siang harinya sibuk bekerja, maka tentulah hanya dapat datang melawat malam hari).
 "Doktor, boleh saya tahu perkembangan ayah saya?" - tanyanya..
"Eh, bukan saya dah terangkan ke pagi tadi?" - jawabku dengan andaian yang sorang ni ada dalam kalangan ahli keluarga yang datang melawat pagi tadi.. (nota - maaflah aku memang fail nak ingat muka orang lain)
"Tak, pagi tadi saya takde (pergi kerja). Mungkin doktor terangkan pada abang saya masa tu.."
"Jadi, tak tanya pada abang ke tentang penjelasan pagi tadi.."
"Takde la, saya ingat saya nak dengar penjelasan dari (mulut) doktor sendiri.."
 "(ok, this is tiring.. >_<! and now is not a good time.. aku dah la oncall berdua je cover ward malam ni - ni ward 21 / CRW pulak panggil minta tolong untuk handle isu pesakit kat sana pula..)
Maka aku layankan juga permintaan si ahli keluarga ni, kena terangkan semula perkembangan terbaru bapanya. Cerita memang aku cerita betul-betul, cuma rasa berat hati ni buatkan aku tak begitu mesra untuk bersoal jawab lagi malam-malam ni.. Setelah habis penjelasan..
 "Ok, saya dah faham tentang ayah saya.. Cuma saya tak puas hati dengan layanan doktor terhadap saya.."
"Kenapa? Cik minta saya explain, saya dah explain.. Cik nak apa lagi..?" 
"Takde la, saya rasa doktor macam tak 'ikhlas' nak explain kat saya.."
---------------------------------<entri blog sendiri behind lost smile>--------------------------------------------


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