[Case] Varicella infection
Nota - Ini adalah catatan kes yang ditemui ketika bekerja dalam latar klinik, semoga menjadi panduan sendiri (atau rakan sekerja) untuk masa akan datang. Catatan ini hanya bertujuan sebagai rujukan-pantas-peribadi (personal quick reference) tentang maklumat penting yang berkaitan.. Jadi untuk pembaca awam (bukan anggota kesihatan professional) adalah dinasihatkan merujuk laman web kesihatan yang rasmi seperti:
Pathogen : Varicella Zoster Virus [VZV], part of Herpes Virus Group
- MELAYU/PERUBATAN www.myhealth.gov.my/cacar-air/
- INGGERIS/PERUBATAN www.cdc.gov/chickenpox/
"5 year old girl, was brought to clinic for having generalised vesicular rash, malaise, fever for 2 days. Also had painful oral ulcer of similar duration. reduced appetite due to painful ulcer. No GI/ URTI symptom. unsure of ill contact. Clinical examination : pink, slight malaise, T 38.3'C, Wt 16.3kg. Vesicular type rash scatterred over forehead, scalp, neck, upper chest, back, slight on the finger/upper limb and lower limb..Fokus - Varicella infection [aka chickenpox]
Pathogen : Varicella Zoster Virus [VZV], part of Herpes Virus Group
- Primary (first time) infection will be known as Varicella infection
- after the primary infection, VZV will remain the body (sensory neural ganglia) as latent infection
- Reactivation of latent infection (secondary) will be known as Herpes Zoster infection [Shingles]
- Patient is highly contagious until skin lesion (stage) had reached crusted/dry
- Varicella : 14-16 days after exposure
- Shingles : 10-21 days after exposure
Clinical feature
- Rash (pluritic).
[stage macule --> papule --> vesicular --> crusted/dry]. Usually affect head, face, neck , body, limb. But usually concentrated on chest and back.
- Malaise
- Fever (up to 102'F/38.8'C)
Healthy children --> symptom are usually mild
High risk group [infant, adult, immunocompromised] ---> severe form of symptom + complication
Recovery from primary varicella -- > lifelong immunity (re-exposure to natural wild-type VZV will only boost antibody titre -> no sign of infection / viraemia)
Unless immunocompromised [chemotherapy/HIV/ transplant] --> may induced secondary infection
- Bacterial infection of skin and subcutaneous [children]
- Pneumonia [adult]
Severe complication that may arise [usually from high risk group]
- Cerebellar Ataxia
- Encephalitis
- Viral pneumonia
- Hemorrhagic condition
- Septicemia, Toxic shock syndrome, Necrotizing fasciitis, septic arthritis, bacterial pneumonia, osteomyelitis
"Vaccination program for varicella infection is optional (not mandatory programme) in Malaysia for age>12month.." - source infomed.com.my/vaccinationinmalaysia
Breakthrough Varicella
- occur in vaccinated children [42 days after vaccination]
- symptoms are usually milder [less fever, rash <50 spots, shorter illness duration, rash type more likely maculopapular rather than vesicular]
- patient <50 spot rash = 1/3 as contagious
- patient <50 spot rash is just as contagious like unvaccinated
-----------------------------Management-wise (mostly symptomatic)---------------------------------
- Syrup PCM 15mg (x kg) TDS <-- for the fever
- Calamine lotion BD <-- for the itchiness
- Syrup Piriton (check dose for paeds) - for the itchiness
- Encourage orally as tolerated
- Advice isolation from other siblings/ children at school (provide MC)
- Advice short nail <-- to prevent injury from scracthing
- No need notify